10 Tips for Operational Success


10 Tips for Operational Success

Two people sat in a restaurant

These were gathered from Eddy Passey, gleaned during a career that has spanned working at high volume beds, bars and buffet businesses. Listening to Eddy Passey really hit a chord with me. Simple, effective and brilliant.

1- You are not the first person to have done this

Get a mentor; contact someone who inspires you, buy them coffee and pick their brains.

2- Make people the centre of what you do

"Recruit the attitude and train the skill". Let your team challenge what you do, give talent room to grow and make yourself available. Everyone in your team is important.

3- Allow your team to make mistakes

Set barriers for safe failure. A bad decision is better than no decision as long as the logic can be justified. Don't punish an honest mistake and be open and honest when you make one yourself.

4- Framework, systems and process

Do the right thing for the people and the business. Data triumphs- use it and trust your gut instinct.

5- Eliminate blockages

Work alongside your team on the floor, work out "when and why we have to say no to customers". Coach people to come up with solutions.

6- Always be learning

Learn and observe as a customer, visit your competitors, take notes and implement your learnings. "Be a sponge, not a rock".

7- Communicate simply and clearly

"Plan the voyage, plot the course", be consistent in your message. Use pre-shift meetings to get your team ready to sail. Check the reception of the messages- are they understood? Ask if they are not, is it a skills and training issue or attitude.

8- Find some positives everyday

Go out of your way to do it, "praise the progress as well as the result", focus on the top flyers and not the worst performers. Bring some energy into the room.

9- Integrity is all we have

Be honest, be mindful of what you say and do and keep your promises.

10- Work hard

"Be in the business, not in the office", see and do what goes on. Talk and listen to your guests and your team. Take your holidays.

"There's two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take credit for it, try to be in the first group- there's less competition there"

Importantly...have some fun along the way...

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