Marketing team

Marketing team

Manage and improve your reputation

Understanding what customers think about your business and your competitors is of utmost importance to marketing teams, as well as delivering campaigns and customer communications that land successfully. Good quality data is at the centre of it all. You'll want to see as much of it as possible in your CRM, helping you achieve a single customer view, therefore it's crucial for all other platforms to integrate and interact with your applications seamlessly.


With our Hub platform, you can measure your reputation, understand the key drivers behind customer loyalty and engage customers in conversations. The Hub can be integrated with CRMs, EPOS, and other data sources we know are so important for marketers.



  • Measure customer experience across your sites and from online sources pulled into The Hub platform from over a dozen platforms
  • Understand what service qualities (e.g. speed, food temperature) have the biggest influence on loyalty metrics such as NPS
  • Improve NPS score and review scores through addressing the biggest experience disruptors
  • Track other marketing metrics such as overall satisfaction scores, feedback volume, review ratings and response rates
  • Manage customer relations and respond to feedback and reviews within the platform
  • Integrate with voucher suppliers to incentivise feedback or to respond to complaints
  • Ensure feedback and reviews are responded to in an appropriate tone-of-voice with our customisable response templates
  • Low review ratings and brand visibility
  • Lack of experiential data needed to build customer profiles in CRM
  • No oversight on whether reviews and customer feedback are responded to in a brand-approved tone-of-voice
  • Low visibility on how different demographics experience your brand
  • Low feedback volume (whether from existing survey, feedback cards, or other sources)
  • Your existing feedback survey is not customisable enough to match your brand look and feel, or lacks market-leading features, such as personalisation and custom pathways
  • Guest Feedback
  • Review Management
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