2015: Looking back on a year in hospitality

2015: Looking back on a year in hospitality

2015 review

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They say that we learn from the past, and as we gear up for the year ahead, it's the perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months. We can pick up clues from key research and industry news stories that might provide valuable insight moving forwards.

We've rounded up a few of our most interesting titbits from the past 12 months that might just affect the way you choose to plan 2016.

January 2015: Camden eatery Gilgamesh revealed research showing that the London dining scene was thriving despite the economic climate. The most influential factor when it came to eating out was local sourcing and provenenance (68%) followed by ambience, reputation, and table availability.

March 2015: The casual dining restaurant concept was touted by market research firm NDP Group as a key area of growth in the sector, with a predicted spend of more than £5bn by the end of 2015. The popularity of casual dining is set to increase as consumers become more willing to try new things and treat themselves and their families more regularly.

June 2015: We reported on the rise in popularity of healthy fast food outlets and the results from the Neilsen Global Health and Wellness Survey which revealed that younger consumers are paying more attention to the ingredients and type of food they put into their bodies. It was revelaed that 41% of Generation Z (the under 20 age group) would pay more for healthier products.

October 2015: The shrinking menu took centre stage in October as we noted that menus had shrunk by 2.6% in a year-on-year comparison. A 'less is more' approach appeals to the Millennial diner who is short on time and places a high value on quality ingredients and individualised treatment.

November 2015: The use of technology in the hotel sector took centre-stage as we discussed the high expectations of guests. Predicatbly, Wi-Fi was revealed as the number one in-room amenity priority amongst guests. Ease of checking rates and booking on a mobile device were also considered important to improving the guest experience.

November 2015: Finally, we also noted the continued importance of word-of-mouth to manage reputation in the industry- particularly in this age of social media. With 80% of guests stating they used TripAdvisor or other online reviews when choosing somewhere to stay, generating online chatter looks to remain a top priority for 2016.

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