8 types of diner


8 types of diner

Guests eating fish and chips

Table manners are something we learn from a very young age, but as we grow up some of those standards start to slip. As a result, many of us have developed some dreadful dining habits we're too ashamed to admit!

Dining behaviour can range from amusing to irritating to really rather peculiar! So, what we want to know is: which of the following diner categories do you fall into and which of your friends or family members do you recognise around this table?

The table thief

The table thief is continually on the hunt for someone else's food, even when their own plate is stacked sky-high. They'll wait for the perfect opportunity (i.e., when their mate is looking the other way), and they'll swoop down and scoop-up some of their meal.

The green-eyed diner

The green-eyed diner is always eyeing-up other people's meals. When the other dishes arrive they'll say, "I wish I got that!" before gazing down at their own dish in utter disappointment. And then they'll spend the duration of the meal watching others tuck-in to their far-more-interesting-and-tasty meals.

The (un)social butterfly

The (un)social butterfly will happily let their meal go stone cold if it means getting the perfect Instagram shot of their dish. They spend more time social surfing than socialising, leaving the other table guests wondering why they even came.

The saucy one

Do you want some chips with your sauce? It doesn't matter how packed full of flavour their meal is, they'll drown it in sauce until everything on the plate tastes of ketchup.

The indecisive one

Everyone chose their meals 15 minutes ago, but the indecisive one has only managed to narrow it down to three possible choices. And then the waiting staff will have to force a smile after they're asked for the umpteenth time, "Can I have a few more minutes?"

The picky one

The picky one chooses a meal - and then completely reinvents it. They'll point to a dish on the menu and say, "I want that one please...but a smaller portion with extra cheese, no green peppers, no black olives, extra mushrooms and the sauce on the side." And then the waiting staff will have to try and not sound sarcastic when they ask, "Is that all?"

The complainer

There's always one - and it's always the same one! The complainer will always have something negative to say about their food - too hot, too cold, too big, too small, too spicy, etc. It leaves the other guests feeling very sorry for the waiter or waitress serving them.

The hoover

Blink and it's gone! The hoover will wolf down their entire meal before the other diners can say 'salt and pepper.' And it'll vanish even quicker if the hoover has had to wait 25 minutes for the indecisive one to choose what to eat...

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