Apprenticeships can be good for both businesses and school leavers.


Apprenticeships can be good for both businesses and school leavers.

Hospitality apprentice

Starbucks has announced that it will be taking on an extra 1,000 apprentices during the next two years across the UK, but what's in it for them?

The young recruits will benefit from a combination of on-the-job training and classes, which should give them a good grounding with a qualification at the end.

Taking on apprentices straight from school gives Starbucks the chance to mould them into exactly the employees they need. The year-long training period will act in a similar way to a probation system in which the company can decide whether to take the apprentices on permanently. Then after the 12 months Starbucks will offer many of them what will be their first proper job, which may help to boost employee loyalty.

When companies give a school leaver their first job opportunity they are likely to remember that in the future and be committed to doing a good job for the business.
In order to ensure that the process results in dedicated staff, Starbucks or any other employer taking on apprenticeships must make sure that those involved take the process seriously. The apprenticeships will be paid and therefore will be similar to a job, but with the added bonus of intensive training. Those who do not turn up or fulfil their obligations should not be allowed to have a free ride and think that it's OK to coast through.

In order for apprenticeships to be valued and taken seriously only those who show full commitment must pass the scheme. With this in mind apprenticeships can be a good way to train up enthusiastic staff in the ways of the company ethos and build up a dedicated workforce for the future. Boris Johnson, mayor of London, mayor of London, said: "This is stonking news from Starbucks and great for young Londoners. Providing apprenticeships is a win-win, offering a much needed foot onto the ladder of success for school leavers, whilst also being hugely rewarding for the companies involved."

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