B.E  T.H.E.M




Providing guests with a quality experience partly depends on how well you are able to read the individual needs of each guest and tailor your services to meet those needs. We came across an interesting presentation which uses the acronym 'B.E. T.H.E.M' to explain how to read the needs of guests: Budget It doesn't matter how much or little they are looking to spend, all guests want to feel like they're getting value for their money. Nevertheless, each guest has a budget in mind - once you've determined this you will be able to make appropriate recommendations and decide whether it's more appropriate to up-sell or down-sell certain dishes and drinks. Clues which may indicate a guest's budget include: whether they are interested in deals, whether they are visiting during happy hour, and whether they order without looking at the menu. Expectations Every guest expects something different from their experience. While some guests will be happy to chat with staff, others may be more subdued and will want to be left in peace. Knowing this will enable you to determine whether to maximise or minimise time spent at the guest's table. Clues to look out for include: whether the guest is working on a laptop or smartphone, whether they are reading a book or a newspaper, whether they actively try and engage in conversation with you, and whether they look interested when you initiate conversation. Timing Does the guest require a slow and steady service, or do they want a quick turnaround? It's important to find this out so you can tailor your speed of service accordingly. If you know a guest is in a hurry, for example, you could recommend quick bites, ensure you are prompt with service and notify the kitchen to prioritise their meal. Clues include: if the guest is constantly looking at their watch or clock, if they make regular eye contact with you, and if they order immediately after you seat them. Host The host is a guest who can be used as an ally to help you deliver an efficient service to guests on the same table. A host will help make group decisions and pass on information to the other guests. The host will generally be the person who selects the wine, orders water for the table, takes control while the others aren't engaging, and makes the most eye contact with you. Extreme or special needs Assessing whether guests have certain needs is really important. For instance, a guest might have certain dietary requirements and in that case, you will need to explain which dishes are suitable for them and notify the kitchen. Guests with certain needs will normally notify you; this isn't always the case, however, so it's important to ask guests when seating them. Mood Finally, what mood are your guests in? Do they seem 'happy' with other guests at the table? Or, do they seem like they want to be left alone? Determining the mood of your guests will enable you to adjust service timing and frequency of table visits to ensure they feel comfortable in their surroundings. Clues include: how often the guests are interacting with one another, if they are smiling or are expressionless, whether they are shifting around in their seats, and whether they are willing or unwilling to engage with you when you visit their table.

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