British Hospitality and Tourism Summit


British Hospitality and Tourism Summit

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British Hospitality Association (BHA) is speaking up for the industry ahead of the British Hospitality and Tourism Summit.

The hospitality industry now employs one tenth of the UK's work force and it is hoped that the summit will highlight its potential for growth over the coming years.

The BHA fears that the opportunity may be missed to capitalise on the profile achieved for the UK through the 2012 Olympic Games, and despite the industry's role as a key player in employment there is a sense that the Government should be doing more to help.

Here's what our Director Steven Pike says;

The industry has come a long way in recent years, spurred on by the spotlight of the Olympics, by more widely available reviews and by a greater volume of online social chatter. The weak operators have rightly fallen by the wayside while the most innovative and the most self-aware businesses have thrived. This potentially puts the UK at a competitive advantage compared to other countries whose hospitality has been less driven by such factors.

So now is the time to be capitalising on recent successes, and to be ambitious for the future. There is a need for the Government embrace the sector as one of the largest in the country, taking constructive action to support its continued growth through the UK's developing reputation as a great host.

We'll be keeping a close eye on proceedings. Follow our Twitter account
@hospitalityGEM and
@BHAsummit to keep up to date

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