Could tablet computers replace paper menus in restaurants?


Could tablet computers replace paper menus in restaurants?


The rise of the tablet computer has been swift and successful, with everyone seeming to have one, but is there a place for them in the restaurant?

Yes, says one manufacturer which has designed touch screen menus to replace the traditional paper alternatives, reports Big Hospitality. Not only do they replace the menu, but the
waiting staff too to a certain degree, as customers can order their meal at a touch of the screen as opposed to communicating it to staff.

But is that what people really want? To go into a restaurant and cut down on the personal service and
social interaction?

It seems that there can be no excuse for the wrong dish coming out as the customer has cut out the middle man and ordered their food directly. The devices also have the added benefit of including a calorie counter on top, displaying the restaurant's entire menu. This could be very useful for the weight and health-conscious customers out there, as there is a greater move towards such information being made available.

But at £600 to set up and then £260 a month in maintenance and license fees the Bleep eMenu is another cost that some restaurants could not even imagine paying out for.

It could however, improve efficiency in the establishment and even cut down on staff wages, but as the food will not bring itself to the table, waiting staff will still have to be employed.

Such electronic menus could also be used to feature upcoming events, promote certain dishes or even publicise related brands or sponsors. The menu can also be updated remotely, meaning anything which goes out of stock or changes daily can be removed or amended with ease. This means no unsightly crossings out or stickers stuck on top of existing mistakes, just a clean flowing menu with no need for a waiter to utter the infuriating words, "I'm afraid we have sold out of that Sir."

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