Delivery: your brand in their hands


Delivery: your brand in their hands

Takeaway salad

Despite the opportunities food delivery companies extend to restaurants, working with a third party does not come without risks – and there are significant risks in relinquishing some control of your guest experience. To minimise this and to create a successful partnership, you need to define what you expect for the guest experience, and agree this with both your teams & the delivery supplier. You can then measure these expectations, make tweaks where necessary and ensure consistency across the board.

Evaluating the guest experience falls into 4 main areas:


Is the delivery driver representing your brand in the same way your in-house staff would?

Although there are fewer touch-points with a delivery experience, agreeing a few simple actions with the third party could make a guest feel looked after and valued, protecting your brand. Even a short note from the person who prepared the order could boost that all-important first impression with guests.


Is the delivery option interfering with your processes?

A clear, consistent process will help your team cope with increased orders & mean onsite guests don't experience delays or feel they're a lower priority. Empowering staff with information about delivery options will reassure questioning guests & dedicating a team member to coordinating deliveries will streamline the process.


Is the delivered product as consistent as it should be?

With fewer personal interactions, guests rely more on product to define their experience. Train your team on transportation and packaging specifications, help them to recognise if an order is at risk of damage, losing temperature or decreasing quality in some other way.


How is the delivery service impacting your brand perception?

Measuring guest perception is the key to responding effectively to opportunities and issues. Combine the data from delivery companies with qualitative Mystery Guest feedback to inform actions and decisions about improving perceptions.

Treat delivery as part of your own brand promise. A traditionally offline market is going online; make sure this enhances your brand rather than putting it at risk.

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