Family friendly frights & fireworks


Family friendly frights & fireworks

Family friendly frights & fireworks

Whilst many of us are clearing up after St Jude's Storm, the hospitality industry is getting ready for a busy week ahead.

With Hallowe'en tomorrow and Guy Fawkes Night next Tuesday, it's potentially a big week ahead as revellers get ready for the annual autumnal parties. It's a great opportunity to cash in on the family dining market. Our advice to establishments is that they should use this opportunity to look to the long term with the aim of earning repeat business from the family market, particularly during the festive season.

Small touches can make all the difference when it comes to family dining. Our previous surveys have shown that customers with children feel it's important for staff to engage with them, and activities for children are always welcomed. So it might be worth considering getting your staff to dress up for Halloween (as long as it doesn't clash with your format) or organising a pumpkin hunt around your beer garden.

When it comes to Bonfire Night autumnal winter warmers always go down well. Jacket potatoes, soups and hot chocolates are always favourites, and in recent years mulled ciders have enjoyed a surge in popularity, so it's worth getting your mulling kit out and ready for a lot of use over the coming months!

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