Fresh and Local Produce is Vital


Fresh and Local Produce is Vital

Fresh and Local Produce is Vital

Consumer demand for locally sourced, seasonal food has risen dramatically in the hospitality industry over the past few years; and it's a trend that shows no sign of slowing. Driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues, highlighted by the media, as well as the attention from popular TV chefs including Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Gordon Ramsey, consumers now place importance on understanding where their food and ingredients have been sourced.

In the consumers' eyes, the obvious benefits of locally sourced (or UK sourced) ingredients include the environmental consideration of reducing our carbon footprint whilst seasonal foods are preferred as they are natural, fresh and at their best. There is also the human factor to consider - guests feel a connection with organisations that prioritise local produce as the ethos lends itself to a community-friendly atmosphere.

The preference further highlights the importance to the industry of the Millennial diner - the modern consumer who prizes high quality ingredients and healthy meals. As more restaurants, pubs and cafes cater to the growing demand from this new demographic, locally sourced ingredients have become a feature that organisations are keen to emphasise and advertise on menus, social media and in stores.

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