Hospitality Sector Can Bank on a Busy Weekend


Hospitality Sector Can Bank on a Busy Weekend

Hospitality Sector Can Bank on a Busy Weekend

The sun shone for many of us over the last bank holiday weekend, and it looks like we're set to make the most of the Whitsun long weekend.

77% of us are planning on a visit to a pub or restaurant over the weekend of 25th, 26th and 27th May, with the Sunday likely to be the busiest.

It's good news for pub landlords and restaurateurs, as nearly 50% of those venturing out for a bite to eat and a drink or two are likely to spend more than they normally would, and with the majority of people planning a longer than normal visit they could well be tempted into spending a few extra quid.

The statistics come from the latest customer survey by industry experts HospitalityGEM who have been observing trends and analysing customer feedback for over a decade.

Company Director Steve Pike says that such insights are a valuable resource for pubs and restaurants, when coupled with detailed customer experience feedback.

"The first step for a successful business is always to understand its customer base, and it's more important now than ever in an age of fierce competition in the hospitality industry and at a time when customer feedback can make or break a business.

"The 900 feedback forms we received over the last bank holiday gave us significant insights into customer behaviour and expectations, and confirm that it really is time to cash in."

"The spending could well spill over into the following half-term week, so our advice to businesses would be to make sure that family-friendly dining is high on the agenda for the rest of May, and to ensure that standards don't slip with the higher turnover of customers."

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