Our Wish List for 2017


Our Wish List for 2017

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It’s that time of year when experts in every sector begin putting forward their predictions for what’s to come in the year ahead. Plenty of hospitality businesses have already discussed where they see the industry going, so instead we’ve decided to share our wish list, of all the things we’re hoping the next year will bring.

1. Greater choice in soft drinks

This year, our mystery guests made it clear that they’re thirsty for soft drinks. With alcohol consumption dropping across all demographics, we hope that 2017 brings the same level of imagination to the soft drinks market that 2016 did to alcoholic drinks.

2. More creative pub menus

Over the years, the pub menu has changed beyond recognition. Though we believe there’s always going to be a place for local boozers, there’s no lack of pubs offering good quality food to complement the drinks side of things. While some pubs have begun stepping outside their comfort zone, next year we’d like to see more estates opting for creative food menus. Guests have shown they’re willing to experiment- we’d like pubs to step up to the plate.

3. Data collaboration

A bit of a selfish wish perhaps, but we’re hopeful nonetheless. In 2016, HGEM began working with Trail and Fourth. Clients could use our data and key guest experience metrics alongside Trail’s operations management software and Fourth’s analytics platform for a complete overview of their business. Over the next year, we’re hoping to collaborate with other hospitality experts to help our clients improve their guest experience even more.

4. Focus on staff development

The recruitment crisis has been a hot topic of conversation across the industry all year. While the issue shows no sign of going away, we’d like to see operators adopt a new approach. Staff retention, rather than recruitment, should be the aim. This year, we’d like to see greater investment in training and engaging staff, ultimately benefiting guests, staff, and operator.

5. Go back to basics

Hospitality is an amazingly innovative industry, with trends changing at breakneck speeds and new concepts popping up daily. While we never want to see creativity stifled, in 2017 it would be good to see the basic building blocks of hospitality given the attention they’re due. Reliability, consistency, and quality all need to be championed, with operators developing a firm framework to help them uphold their essential operational standards.

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