The Pub Is Dead. Long Live The Pub.


The Pub Is Dead. Long Live The Pub.

The Pub Is Dead. Long Live The Pub.

BBC Magazine article 'The Places Where Pubs Are Boarded Up' suggests that the pub trade is struggling and declining, but is this actually true?

The pub trade is probably more buoyant than ever before, having adapted to meet the needs of the modern consumer.

The purpose of a pub (in providing its community with a social focus) has not changed but people's expectations of how a pub should provide this service have changed significantly in recent years.

There are some who mourn the decline of smoky pubs that smell of stale beer, and which are populated by men propping up the bar while their wives are at home.

But there are far more who wish to return from a pub feeling like they have enjoyed a more rounded, more modern experience.

The nature of these experiences vary considerably, and the most successful pubs have a clear sense of the market they are targeting, but good quality food and service as a part of the experience has been increasing in importance.

There are many small (but expanding) chains that are innovating very successfully - and the large chains are following their lead. It is also no good just providing a service and hoping people will turn up. There are various ways to engage with potential and existing customers outside of the pub, whether through social media presence (with interesting content) or through inviting and responding to feedback.

The old pub model is dying, it's true. But as with all concepts (and people), they only have a certain lifespan. And now the new generation is flourishing. We should be celebrating this and encouraging it to fill the gaps in the blackspots highlighted in the article.

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