The secrets of the micropub


The secrets of the micropub

The secrets of the micropub

While an estimated 27 pubs are closing their doors in the UK each week, The Morning Advertiser revealed in February that the number of micropubs had doubled over the past 12 months. But what is it about micropubs that appeals to guests? And could the more traditional pubs learn any lessons from their success?

The micropub boom developed out of the pop-up trend which has gathered momentum in the industry over the past few years. These small pubs have set up business in disused buildings as diverse as an old butcher's shop, pet grooming parlour, even an undertaker's; all with the aim of bringing back the traditional community spirit of the British pub. By squeezing their way into small, empty spaces, micropubs can keep their overheads low and appeal to guests by offering beer at more competitive prices.

When it comes to the beer, micropubs have won guests with their dedication to the real ale movement, supporting microbreweries and creative craft ales. Although micropubs were initially founded on real ale, some experiment with lager too, and The Morning Advertiser reported on one Dover micropub which is choosing to focus solely on cider. These diverse and yet focused offerings provide guests with a unique and highly specialised experience.

The small size of these pubs means that customers can expect a high level of personalisation and individuality in the service - an attribute that the more traditional pub can take steps to emulate with high quality staff training. Creating a welcoming and friendly ambience where customers are not just customers but are made to feel like guests, helps to strengthen consumer loyalty and make people feel valued.

Additionally, as micropubs are usually run by just the one or two people who manage them, the level of staff knowledge when talking about the drinks they specialise in is high. To have the greatest chance of boosting sales, regular pubs should ensure that staff are consistently trained to offer recommendations and provide details about the products they sell to engage and inform guests.

With a prediction from the Micropub Association founder that the trend will replace wet-led pubs in the future and could number 5,000 by 2020, forward-thinking hospitality operators might well want to take a leaf from their book to cash in on future success.

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