Time for a Spring Clean


Time for a Spring Clean

Time for a Spring Clean

It may not feel like it this week, but spring is on its way (promise!)...and you know what that means? You've guessed it - time for a spring clean.

Here's our handy 5 step guide to getting ready for the sunny season.

Step 1: Analyse Your Customer Feedback

Customers leave feedback these days whether you want to hear it or not. Facebook, Twitter, and TripAdvisor are just some of places that both praise and grievances, will be aired. Be sure to have a thorough look through these sites, as well as your suggestions box, and act on any recurring themes (where possible).

Customers will help to flag up areas of your menu, service and venue as a whole, that they either like or dislike, and the changing season is the perfect time to take action on their recommendations.

Step 2: Spring Clean Your Venue

An obvious place to start in getting ready for spring and summer is the spring clean. We know it can be tricky to find time to do a thorough deep clean everywhere, but it won't go unnoticed by your customers.

Step 3: Freshen Up Your Menu

It's nearly time for those 'winter warmers' to come off the menu as you look ahead to the new season. It's important that menus are regularly updated, so there's no better time than the spring to add a few new dishes - but don't forget to keep your best sellers.

Winter stews and soups can be put aside until October, and instead you should look at summer soups like rocket and goats cheese, or carrot and coconut, and don't forget the seasonal salads. Main meals such as lighter pasta dishes, fish options, ploughmans and quiches will help to give your menu that fresh feel for the spring. Some fresh fruit desserts, ice creams and sorbets will help to round off the menu.

Step 4: Polish Your Service

In the same way that it's good practice to give your venue a deep clean and to revamp your menu, it's a good idea to brush up your service to ensure you're getting the most out of your staff. There's no point in promoting delicious new food items in your spotless venue if your team are underperforming.

Step 5: Brush Up on Your Knowledge

Linked closely to the last point, and something more relevant now than ever, is the knowledge of your staff. The recent horse-meat scandal has led many people to question the origins of their food, with traceability being the buzz-word. Make sure you, and your staff, know the origins of the products you are using. This will help to reassure customers that they will know exactly what is on their plate.

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