Time Out Awards: Voted for by the public


Time Out Awards: Voted for by the public

Time Out Awards: Voted for by the public

EatingOut have just released their list of winners for the Love London Awards 2014. There are a total of 203 awards split across restaurants, cafes and pubs all over London. The awards are designed to highlight the best of local that the capital has to offer and they are voted for by TimeOut readers, this year that was more than 65,000 votes.

Having their diners and drinkers vote for them certainly says something about each of the sites that were nominated for these awards; their customers value them. Whether it's something particular about the venue; the welcoming service, delicious food, attentive staff, or a combination of things, their customers are willing to positively promote them.

In hospitality especially, word of mouth is a powerful tool, with negative promoters having a much wider influence than positive promoters. Successfully managing your guests' experience and feedback can turn a business around, not only in terms of reputation but also generating new and repeat business.

What are your guests saying about you? Would they vote your site as their favourite 'local'? Keep a track of what your real customers are saying and thinking about you, manage their experience and ensure that you've got your guests on your side.

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