Top tips for Christmas bookings


Top tips for Christmas bookings

Top tips for Christmas bookings

We recently conducted a survey into guest opinions on Christmas parties and bookings. Here are 4 top tips for your Christmas bookings this year:

1. Christmas is a great time to try and convert new guests to loyal ones. Two thirds of those surveyed indicated that they might try a new location at Christmas.

2. Organisation when booking in sittings is vital. There was almost a 50/50 split between people who want to spend 2 hours as a minimum and those who want to spend as much time as necessary when eating out for their Christmas meal.

3. There's significant opportunity for profit. 86% of those surveyed suggested that they would spend between £15 and £45 per person on their Christmas meal.

4. Phone manner is essential to securing bookings. We asked the respondents what would be most off-putting when making a Christmas party booking, the top 3 responses were; 'an unfriendly tone', 'hurried/abrupt responses' and 'lack of knowledge or information'. These equate to 87% of respondents and are directly related to telephone enquiries.

If you're interested in improving your Christmas booking phone calls, let us know.

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