Top Tips for the Scorchio Week Ahead


Top Tips for the Scorchio Week Ahead

Top Tips for the Scorchio Week Ahead

You might not quite believe this, but the forecast for the rest of the week for most of the country is....wait for it...SCORCHIO.

It seems like we've been waiting for a prolonged spell of good weather almost as long as we've been waiting for Andy Murray to win Wimbledon, and now that it's here we could be forgiven for forgetting how we're supposed to react.

It's prime time for pubs and restaurants to be enticing customers for some food and drink - a lazy lunch or a late evening pint - and there are certain things establishments can be doing to make sure they're remembered for the right reasons, come rain or shine.

Once you've established that you're selling food and drink to complement the weather, a few extras will go a long way to converting your customers' visits from average to excellent.

Here are our top tips for making hay whilst the sun shines:

  1. Expect the cider, Pimms and soft drinks to be flowing when it's hot, so make sure there's plenty of ice.
  2. Cocktails will always be popular, so make sure they're advertised well to your thirsty customers. Equally, virgin cocktails will be a temptation for the teetotalers and designated drivers.
  3. A good selection of ice creams will help keep the youngsters happy.
  4. Offer sun cream to your punters if they're sitting outside. This may sound like an expensive gesture, but it will help your establishment to be remembered for the right reasons.
  5. The summer will inevitably bring the walkers and cyclists out of the woodwork, so when your guests leave offer to fill up their water bottles, or even offer them a free one if you're feeling generous.
  6. Don't forget our four-legged friends. Imagine walking around all day in soaring temperatures wearing a hairy coat - it can't be much fun. A few strategic bowls of water will help you to win the canine vote.
  7. Make sure there's plenty of seating in the shade.

Let's just hope the good weather continues!

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