Tracing the Origins of Your Horse Burger


Tracing the Origins of Your Horse Burger

Tracing the Origins of Your Horse Burger

In light of recent news stories regarding the 'mis-labelling' of certain products on supermarket shelves, it's understandable that many people are waking up to the realisation that they don't know exactly what they're eating or where it has come from.

Tracability is fast becoming the buzz word in the food, and in turn the hospitality, industry.

Since the first story broke of horse meat being sold as beef, people have lost a lot of faith in supermarkets, leading brands and the supply chain as a whole . More recently it has come to light that horse meat has also been sold through a variety of other establishments including
hotels and restaurant chains. Many believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg...

For years many establishments have boasted about using 'local produce' - something relevant now more than ever as customers begin asking questions about the origins of the food on their plate.

If there was ever time to shout about using prime cuts of meat from your local butcher or farmer, it's now. Hoteliers, publicans and restrateurs alike should be reassuring customers, perhaps with an insert into menus detailing local suppliers, and by highlighting them on websites, social media, and the classic A board outside.

Customers are bound to ask questions about what's in their lasagne, or if their horse-burger is 100% horse, so it's important for business owners and staff to be savvy, knowing the origins of products and reassuring customers as much as possible.

As with the BSE crisis 20 years ago, this story isn't something that will go away soon. Therefore establishments should look at adding a few extra fish or vegetarian choices will give options to the fussiest of customers.

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