UK tea out-of-home market provides opportunities for hospitality industry

UK tea out-of-home market provides opportunities for hospitality industry

UK tea out-of-home market provides opportunities for hospitality industry

New research reveals the amount of tea consumed out-of-home is on the rise, offering an opportunity for hospitality operators to develop this potentially lucrative market, reports a recent article on

The report, entitled 'Tea Out-of-Home UK 2016' by Allegra World Coffee Portal shows that despite the fact that most cups of tea are still enjoyed at home, the number of cups consumed when out has risen to 0.55 on average per week. This rise is thought to have led to a 2% growth - a potential indicator that tea could be set to become a contender on the high street. The total turnover for tea across the coffee shop beverage market was estimated in the report at £305m. However, it is worth noting that at present, tea sales make up just 4% of the market.

When it comes to the tastes of the tea connoisseur, a simple black brew with milk is the top choice - 62% of customers chose this option. However, perhaps this would be different if tea drinkers were offered a greater selection, as 34% of customers stated a preference for more options. Nearly half (49%) even said they would spend more money on a premium tea, indicating to hospitality operators that it is both quality and variety that could drive sales.

Additionally, it was found that 29% of customers believed they made a better brew at home than they received in most coffee shops, demonstrating the need for further training on the different ways people might take their tea.

The Allegra report stated that leading operators are likely to drive the market by seeking to improve the out-of-home tea experience - a prediction that is highlighted by events such as Starbucks' acquisition of Teavana in the US. The report also predicted the development of artisan tea bars on the back of innovations in technology, as well as a growing fondness for tea thanks to the health and wellness trend sweeping the nation.

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