Will the Olymipcs and the Diamond Jubilee get customers' juices flowing or will the average Brit yearn to escape this summer's events?

Will the Olymipcs and the Diamond Jubilee get customers' juices flowing or will the average Brit yearn to escape this summer's events?

It seems to be that we can't move for stumbling over a product branded with the Union flag or a reference to the Olympic Games at the moment. 2012 is the year of Britain, what with the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics - much hype is surrounding the events of this summer, but is it all part of the fun or are we sick of it?

It does seem like the perfect opportunity for the hospitality industry to tap into a large national sense of community, but does it make individual establishments stand out or every one look the same?

The key for businesses is to take the theme and be innovative - a bit of tired red, white and blue bunting just isn't going to cut it? One company which has made a special effort to mark 2012 is brewers, Wadworth, which has created a beer called Red White & Brew, complete with a pump clip emblazoned with the iconic flag. Paul Sullivan, the company's sales and marketing director is certain that it will be popular and that such branding has not been overdone.

He said: "We've brewed a Great British beer to appeal to the patriotic party atmosphere that we are confident will prevail throughout the season."

But Wadworth is by no means the only brewer to be cashing in on 2012 - Adnams has produced Diamond Ale with a crown emblazoned on the clip and there are bound to be hundreds more in pubs up and down the country.

There is however, another market which can be tapped into this summer and that is the Jubilee or the Olympic Games escape. No, this is not an option for people to get away and watch the events unfold, but more of an oasis of calm where people can be guaranteed not to see an Olympic ring, piece of bunting or any Union flag-related merchandise.

Just as an enterprising graphic designer did well with royal wedding sick bags last year, those who cater for unpatriotic antiroyalists could also cash in on 2012.

But Mr Sullivan has other ideas: "The summer ahead is a great opportunity for pubs, with tourists ready for a taste of real Britain, and the Brits themselves in celebratory mood."
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