7 tips for dealing with negative reviews


7 tips for dealing with negative reviews

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In the dynamic world of hospitality, as you’re undoubtedly aware, managing online reviews is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation. Studies have shown that by increasing review ratings from 3.5 to 4, it increases the likelihood of your venue reaching full capacity by 19%.

So, if a negative review does come in, what is the best way to deal with it? Here are 7 tips to help you handle these quickly and effectively:

1. Respond to all reviews

First of all, make sure to respond to it. Let the customer know that you empathise with their experience and that it’s important for you that all customers leave satisfied. By responding to negative reviews, you’re also sending a signal to potential customers browsing for venues – a negative review addressed always looks better than one ignored. But why not take it a step further and ensure you respond to all reviews, both negative and positive.

  • Studies have also shown that sites can expect a 12% increase in review volume, and a 0.12 improvement in average review scores once they start responding to reviews.
  • It can also be comforting to know that 45% of customers are more likely to visit a venue which responds to its negative reviews.

2. Prompt Response

It is important to respond to all reviews in a timely manner, ideally within 24 to 48 hours. A quick response demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction, and resolving concerns as well as boosting your SEO on Google.

3. Thank the reviewer

Make sure to show empathy and express gratitude for your guest’s feedback, regardless of the tone of the review. This shows that you are open to feedback - good or bad.

4. Sincere apology

Begin your response with a sincere apology for the customer's dissatisfaction. Demonstrating your commitment and showing that providing a positive experience is important to your business.

5. Personalise your response

  • Address the reviewer by name and try to tailor your reply to the specific issues raised. This shows that you are coming from a place of genuine engagement and concern.
  • It is always a good idea to sign off your response with your name or initials, showing the customer that a real person is listening. It also shows that you care about their experience.

6. Take it offline

While addressing concerns publicly is important, you may want to encourage further communication offline, especially if the customer is particularly disgruntled, or there are further investigations that need to be carried out. This can be done by providing your contact details, or by encouraging the customer to reach out via a direct message to discuss the matter further.

7. Learn and Enhance

Treat negative reviews as opportunities for improvement by identifying recurring issues and proactively take steps to address them. Continuous enhancement based on guest feedback is essential for your business to grow and thrive. HGEM’s Review Management module can make it easier for you to recognise trends and patterns from your reviews so that action can be taken to drive positive change.

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Responding thoughtfully can turn a negative situation into a positive impression. This also goes hand-in-hand with increasing visibility and footfall in your venue.

If you are wanting to improve your reviews, HGEM can help streamline and optimise your online reputation management with our Review Management module. Our Guest Experience Management platform - The Hub - can pull reviews from more than a dozen sources. The module offers more than just collecting the reviews - you can analyse patterns through charts and heat maps, and monitor statistics on responses and competitors.

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