Could your team be your competitive edge this year?


Could your team be your competitive edge this year?

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Does this sound familiar?

  • You're preparing for a tough year in hospitality
  • Anticipating that competition will be fiercer than ever
  • Everyone else seems to be doing the same things
  • You want to find a different angle

How about employee engagement?

Measuring your team's experience could be as important as measuring guest experience.

Here's why:

  • There's a high correlation between Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS). The way your employees feel affects the way your customers feel.
  • Results from HGEM’s consumer survey show that 55% of consumers enjoy their experience with the brand more if they are served by an engaged and positive team member.
  • 82% of customers said that an engaged and positive team would encourage them to spend more time at the venue, allowing servers to upsell drinks / desserts.
  • Finally, employee engagement has a proven positive effect on retention rates, and hiring can be both difficult and costly. Perhaps your edge could be spending what you're saving in time and money from recruitment?

So, how can you improve your employee engagement?

In order to improve employee engagement, you'll first need to measure and analyse it. One option is to use our Team Feedback solution.

The benefits of Team Feedback:

  1. Understand team motivations & concerns
  2. Improve customer experience
  3. Reduce employee churn rate

- We recommend a quick, 'pulse check' survey that could easily be accessed and completed

- We can match the look and feel of your existing branding to reinforce your messaging & values

- Price starts from £15 price month / per location; discounts available for scale

We’d love to discuss whether Team Feedback could be a good fit for your business. If you’d like to explore options, please get in touch with our friendly team.

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