PizzaExpress Case Study

Case Studies

PizzaExpress Case Study


PizzaExpress Story

One of the most remarkable and impactful entrepreneurs and philanthropists of recent times, PizzaExpress Founder Peter Boizot threw open the doors of the first PizzaExpress on Wardour Street, Soho, in 1965. With it, he revolutionised the UK restaurant scene forever, bringing casual dining to the high street.

Their Challenges

Before HGEM, the business had a very data led operation in place however they were in need of a more flexible process. Together we focused on:

  • Engagement- PizzaExpress had a customer experience programme in place before HGEM, but it was inflexible and there was very little engagement with it from the managing team
  • Feedback volume- The volume of feedback they were getting from the previous supplier wasn't high enough to allow for meaningful analysis
  • Review Responses- Responding to reviews wasn't part of the culture and PizzaExpress wanted to change that


We worked very close together with the PizzaExpress Insight team to design a programme that would help the team reach their goal of transforming the culture, and implemented:

  • Review Management - An important tool to help PizzaExpress to collect a high volume of data that informs business change, designed to look and feel as an extension of the brand
  • Guest Feedback - Implemented in order to allow managers to see reviews across multiple platforms in one place and to respond quickly with customisable review response templates


Six months after launching with HGEM, PizzaExpress have seen their goal of transforming the culture come to life.

  • 200% increase in feedback volume
  • 57% more reviews
  • Average Google rating has increased by 0.25 across venues
  • 1%>84% difference in review response rate

Since we launched our guest experience management programme with HGEM, we have transformed the culture and the way that PizzaExpress listens to customers.

- Stephanie Farrow | Head of Strategy and Insight

Find out how HGEM helped PizzaExpress

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