Enjoy a Penne Giardiniera and support Action Against Hunger.

Enjoy a Penne Giardiniera and support Action Against Hunger.

Carluccio's chief executive Simon Kossoff recently cycled 500 miles from Glasgow to London. Along with 6 other member of his team Simon rasied £41k for charity Action Against Hunger. The team cycled from Glagow to London stopping off at various Carluccio's restaurants along the way. Show your support and read about their adventure by visiting www.justgiving.com/carluccios

As well as the recent cycle ride, Carluccio's donate 50p from every Penne Giardiniera dish sold at Carluccio's to continue to support Action Against Hunger, so next time your passing by Carluccio's pop in and enjoy the Penne Giardiniera and do your bit to support Simon and the team. Trust us, it's delicious.

Congratulations Simon and the team from all at TMDC.
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