Is Your Restaurant Summer Ready?


Is Your Restaurant Summer Ready?

Is Your Restaurant Summer Ready?

Summer is just around the corner and for hospitality businesses that means one thing: peak season. Restaurants across the country are gearing up for their busiest months of the year; and with recent research showing that consumer spend on eating out is on the rise, this summer may turn out to be a great one for many businesses.

Below, we share some tips to ensure that you're well and truly ready to welcome the summertime crowds into your restaurant.

Spring clean

It's still spring, so there's still time for a good spring clean! The clean should be deep and thorough - remove and replace furniture, give a new lick of paint to any marked or dull walls, and invest in new décor if necessary.

General maintenance

You can use this time to carry out essential maintenance to all of your restaurant equipment. In particular, your kitchen equipment can be serviced ahead of summer and repaired if necessary. Spotting a problem now is better than spotting a problem mid-way through peak season.

Consider staffing

Many restaurants hire temporary staff for peak season, and you could consider doing the same. If you're looking to recruit more employees, do it as early as possible so that you can train them up thoroughly before summer arrives.

Refresh your menu

The start of a new season is the perfect time to refresh and renew your menu, taking advantage of local, seasonal produce that is readily available. Test a few dishes in advance, bearing in mind that summer menus should incorporate light, fresh dishes, such as grilled fishes and salads. You may choose to add the seasonal dishes to your existing menu, or offer diners a separate seasonal menu.

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